International Network
We are part of the International Network of Human Rights Houses. The Human Rights Houses are coalitions of civil society organizations working together to improve human rights. We work closely with the Human Rights House Foundation, which protects, empowers and supports human rights defenders and their organizations. The Foundation gathers organizations into human rights houses and unites them in the International Network of Human Rights Houses. It works with civil society organizations to establish and support human rights houses as bases for human rights-related activities.
Together Toward a Better Society!
Human Rights House Banja Luka is an independent coalition of multiple organizations whose main purpose is to consolidate the efforts of organizations working on human rights in connection to improvement of basic rights and freedoms, and meeting the needs of local communities.
Our House is a non-government, non-party and non-profit coalition, founded for an indefinite period of time. We aim to achieve a free, open, pluralistic, democratic, equal and inclusive society based on respect, protection and promotion of the highest standards and norms of human rights and freedoms.

What are our Basic Principles?
In our activities, we are guided by the principle of independence, the principle of democratic organization, the principle of non-profitability, the principle of non-partisanship and the principle of free participation in public life.
The Human Rights House achieves its goals in the field of civil society, with the main goals of our House being:
- Achieving a free, open, pluralistic, democratic, equal and inclusive society based on respect, protection and promotion of the highest standards and norms of human rights and freedoms, reducing social inequalities, promoting a state of welfare and social justice, and the fight against all forms of discrimination and social exclusions;
- Strengthening and providing support to the process of democratization and the rule of law and encouraging citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes;
- Improving the understanding of public institutions and non-state bodies and organizations for the protection of human rights, as well as encouraging mutual cooperation of human rights organizations, and comprehensive and free communication between them regarding human rights, especially those arising from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Revised European Social Charter;
- Informing, teaching and developing citizens’ awareness of the content and protection of human rights;
- Improving the protection of citizens in the field of human rights;
- Increasing the scope of human rights protection in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The principle of independence represents a principle according to which the House Assembly independently determines the area of activity, goals and activities, internal organization and independently performs activities which do not contradict the basic values of the Constitution of Republika Srpska, the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The principle of democratic organization represents a principle according to which the members manage the House, so that the House’s internal organization is based on the principles of democratic representation and the democratic way of expressing the will of its members.
The principle of free participation in public life represents a principle according to which the House participates in the development, monitoring, implementation and evaluation of legislative solutions and public policies, as well as in shaping the public opinion, and in expressing its views, opinions, undertaking initiatives on issues from its field of activity and in accordance with its interests.
The principle of non-partisanship is a principle according to which the House does not support or represent the interests of any political organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, nor does it support political parties, independent candidates or coalitions in their political life.
The principle of non-profitability represents a postulate according to which the House was not founded with the purpose of making a profit.

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Centre for Environment

Hi Neighbour