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Announcement Regarding the Attack on Activists and Journalists in Banja Luka

We, the organizations gathered around the Initiative for Human Rights House, condemn last night’s attacks on journalists and activists in Banja Luka.

We also protest because the police did not respond adequately to protect citizens, their safety and freedom of movement.

We call on all competent institutions to really do their job and as soon as possible prosecute the attackers who attacked activists and journalists last night and thus send a clear message that this type of behavior is unacceptable in a democratic society.

We also condemn the atmosphere of fear that was created in the previous days through hate speech and its incitement in the public, which was spread and encouraged by the holders of official positions in Republic of Srpska and the City of Banja Luka, and who contributed to last night’s attacks with their statements, because they created the framework and gave an alibi for physical attacks on dissenters.

We demand an immediate response from public authorities and the responsibility of all individuals and groups involved in spreading hatred and violence, police officers who did not respond to violence, and all those who called and incited hatred and lynching.

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