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How to protect your human rights?

In everyday life, the statements “it is my human right”, “I am going to Strasbourg”, “I will seek justice at the European Court” or “I will appeal to Strasbourg” have become widely used. The use of these words in the context of many proceedings before domestic courts indicates that citizens do not have enough information regarding for which rights they can seek protection at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and how they can do so. Although human rights are contained in international documents and the constitutions of the cantons, the Republic of Srpska, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, citizens often do not understand their basic rights in the right way, they do not know what they bring to them and how to act if there is a violation of them.

Therefore, it is important that the largest number of residents of BiH become aware of the fact that there is protection before the international court for violations of human rights, but under certain conditions. It is necessary to present to the citizens what the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is, and to explain to them what the Court in Strasbourg is and how the procedure before it works. It is our wish that each individual become familiar with the specific rights which protection can be invoked and the prerequisites that should be met in order to send a petition to this court.

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