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March for International Women’s Day – WOMEN are angry, women are no longer SILENT!

We invite citizens, media representatives to International Women’s Day march in Banja Luka on March 8 at 12 noon.

We gather on the plateau near the National Theater of Republic of Srpska and go to Krajina Square.

We are holding the march under the slogan “Women Are Angry, Women Are No Longer Silent”!

We are angry because:

  • 10 women were killed last year, and 7 attempted murders of women were also recorded;
  • out of the total number of reported cases of domestic violence, only 35% of cases were processed in 2022;
  • protective measures prescribed by law are imposed in only 10% of cases of domestic violence;
  • in two and a half years, 1378 women and children who were victims of violence were taken care of in safe houses in BiH;
  • the employment rate for men is 67.7%, and for women 40%;
  • the political participation of men is 73%, and women only 27%;
  • women represent only 1/4 of elected officials at all levels of government in BiH;
  • property is in the hands of men, as men are the owners and co-owners of real estate in 70% of cases;
  • we live in inequality.

In the name of those women who were brutally murdered, in the name of those women who suffer violence every day, in the name of those women for whom inequality is every day, we are rightfully angry and demand social and institutional responsibility for women’s safety, for equal representation, for justice and respect for basic human rights!

Let’s march on Friday against the killing of women (femicide), against violence, against discrimination, against inequality… WOMEN ARE NO LONGER SILENT!

Organized by:
Foundation “United Women” Banja Luka
Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka
AC “Hi Neighbour”
Center for Environment
Portal eTrafika
Jovana Kisin Zagajac, lawyer and activist
Portal Impuls

Human Rights House Banja Luka
Initiative Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform

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