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Online conference “Gender Equality in the Constitution – Obstacles and Opportunities”

At this conference, which will be held on November 20, 2023, we will deal with the issue of the importance of gender equality as a constitutional category, why it is important for constitutions to be gender sensitive and what this means in practice. We will also have the opportunity to hear experiences from Serbia and Croatia, countries which constitutions have a certain level of guarantee of women’s human rights, in contrast to the “gender-blind” Constitution of BiH.

Why has the text of the Constitution of BiH remained almost the same as it was at the time of its adoption 28 years ago, why were there no changes to the Constitution in accordance with the needs and development of BH society from the post-war period until today, to what extent and in which segments the current Constitution of BiH discriminates against citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and how the current constitutional solutions affect their daily lives… are just some of the questions we will try to answer and at the same time provide concrete proposals for improving gender equality and women’s human rights through the constitution, as the highest legal act of the state.

We invite you to join us at this online conference and to discuss all these issues together with eminent experts because our goal is to talk and raise awareness of the importance of guaranteeing gender equality through all legal regulations.

Please send the application for the conference by November 15, 2023 to the email:

The conference is organized by the Initiative Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform in cooperation with the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH, the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, the Human Rights House Banja Luka and the Heinrich Boel Foundation.

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